Then cordylines may be the plant for you. Palms look great in the garden; they block out a lot of the hot sun and provide shade. Cordylines are the colorful companion to palms, which are mainly green foliage; they are an easy care plant to grow under palms.
Planting Instructions
Both palms and cordylines share the same cultural needs so they complement each other in a number of ways. Cordylines are very compact plants, which take up very little room within a garden they are great for making layers in small spaces.
Cordylines prefer a deep rich loam, but can grow in most soils like sandy loams and heavy clays.All soils can be improved by digging in well composted organic matter, before planting and mulching.
Most cordylines do not like wet feet so do not plant cordylines in a wet position in the garden, plant in a raised garden bed and improve drainage. Cordyline manners-suttoniae or Swamp Palm Lily is an Australian native species, which naturally grows in poorly-drained soil, so this cordyline would be great for a wet spot in your garden.
Cordylines prefer a deep rich loam, but can grow in most soils like sandy loams and heavy clays.All soils can be improved by digging in well composted organic matter, before planting and mulching.
Most cordylines do not like wet feet so do not plant cordylines in a wet position in the garden, plant in a raised garden bed and improve drainage. Cordyline manners-suttoniae or Swamp Palm Lily is an Australian native species, which naturally grows in poorly-drained soil, so this cordyline would be great for a wet spot in your garden.
Plant Care Tips
Cordylines are leafy plants and grow at their best with fertilizer high in nitrogen, like an organic lawn fertiliser. In addition, fertilise with a fertiliser high in potassium (potash) will give leaves a brighter colour, fertilise during the growing season which are warmer months.
To help improve leaf colors, even more spray or water their foliage with a soluble fertilizer that has both iron and potash in it, twice or three times throughout the growing season.
To help improve leaf colors, even more spray or water their foliage with a soluble fertilizer that has both iron and potash in it, twice or three times throughout the growing season.